Solar Wizard: Empowering UK Homes and Communities with Rooftop Solar Potential

The Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE), a UK charity, has introduced Solar Wizard, an online tool designed to assist homeowners, communities, and local authorities in assessing their rooftop solar potential.

Solar Wizard offers two services. The first is a free, public tool where users can input their postcode to receive a basic summary of the energy solar panels on their roof could generate, the installation costs, and the potential savings on energy bills that could offset these costs (Centre for Sustainable Energy).

The second service aids local councils and larger district, unitary, and county authorities in evaluating the feasibility of installing solar panels on public buildings and understanding how solar energy can support their climate emergency strategies (Centre for Sustainable Energy).

"Transforming how we generate and use energy is crucial for tackling climate change, but many people don’t know where to start and there is a lot of misinformation and mistrust about solar panels and other technologies," said Jacob Hall, local area engagement project manager at CSE. "Solar Wizard breaks down these barriers by providing everyone with a free, quick, and easy way to assess their solar potential right at their fingertips" (Centre for Sustainable Energy).

He added, "Our mapping interface is designed to support local authorities on their decarbonisation journeys. The map highlights buildings with the best solar potential and aids in business case development through financial modelling" (Centre for Sustainable Energy).

Promoting Rooftop Solar

With large-scale solar farms becoming a contentious issue due to land use concerns, rooftop solar is gaining popularity.

A recent funding initiative by the UK government has enabled the installation of solar panels on public buildings across the country, including hospitals, schools, and community organizations. Additionally, the Scottish Government has eliminated planning permission requirements for rooftop solar installations to encourage the adoption of the technology.

Community-owned solar energy projects are also making headway in some regions. For example, Bristol Energy Cooperative has launched a new share offer to raise £1 million to add 1MW of solar energy to its portfolio (Bristol Energy Cooperative).

However, the community solar sector still faces challenges. At the UK Solar Summit in London earlier this month, Connie Duxbury, founder of Croydon Community Energy and community manager at Younity, stated that a "lack of awareness" is a significant barrier holding back community solar energy projects in the UK (Solar Media).


  1. Centre for Sustainable Energy

  2. Centre for Sustainable Energy - News

  3. UK Government - Funding Initiative

  4. Bristol Energy Cooperative

  5. Solar Media - UK Solar Summit

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