Long-range forecast: Blistering May Bank Holiday on cards with 23C heat to smother UK

Temperatures are set to soar just in time for the Bank Holiday weekend as long-range weather maps show temperatures of 23C. Meteorologist Jim Dale said "a heatwave of some description is overdue" as temperatures in the UK rise over the coming weeks. Parts of Europe have already experienced heatwaves, with Spain reporting record-breaking temperatures in some parts of the country.

From May 23 into June, meteorologists for the UK's national weather service said: "Confidence during this period is typically low, but changeable weather appears to be the most likely outcome at this time.

"Most areas will likely see some spells of unsettled weather, as well as periods of drier and brighter weather. Above average temperatures are slightly more likely than below average."

This weekend could see highs of 20C in London ahead of the bank holiday weekend.

According to weather maps, Monday, May 29, is likely to bring the warmest weather with highs of 23C in parts of the UK.

London and Birmingham could see highs of 23C whilst Scotland will reach 21C in some parts.

British Weather Services meteorologist Jim Dale predicted a heatwave in the coming weeks.

He said: "On the balance of things, I reckon a heatwave of some description is overdue and the second half of May is more likely than not to deliver a day or two with 25C in the UK. But, there's still lots of water to go under the bridge before then."

It comes ahead of a warmer weekend, with temperatures reaching 19C on Saturday and 20C on Sunday.

In order to qualify as a heatwave, temperatures have to reach a minimum of 25C for at least three consecutive days.

With temperatures rising, this is looking more likely in the coming months.

Discussing the current weather, a Met Office forecaster said: "As we head towards the end of May settled conditions look likely to predominant, with fine and dry weather for most. There is a chance the northwest of the UK could see more cloudy conditions with rain. Spells of unsettled weather possible in the far southeast.

"Temperatures for most are likely to be above average by day, although most likely closer to average in the far southeast. Average daytime temps for May for southern England is around 17C and Scotland is nearer 13C."


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